What's New





What's New

Here is where we will be posting all new information and any new research results.  Also, changes to the web site will be discussed here.  So, if you are a frequent visitor, you can keep track of all the new things going on with Team 3!


What's New Now:

Biogeochemical Research Initiative for Education (BRIE) is an NSF-funded research project that began Fall 1999, funded to encourage interdisciplinary work in the area of biogeochemistry. 
This web site is still under construction.   It was created in the Fall of 1999 as one of the projects for the first year of BRIE.  This site will be maintained each year by the BRIE graduate students of Team 3, with the first year students in charge of keeping it up to date. 
Please feel free to browse around.  If you have trouble finding something or have any trouble with the site, please contact the webmaster. 


Send mail to asb6@psu.edu with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: November 18, 1999