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Recap Symposium 1999 The Second Environmental Chemistry Symposium Sponsored by: The College of Earth and Mineral Science, Eberly
College of Science, College of Agricultural Sciences, College of
Engineering and the Environmental Resources Research Institute (ERRI).
Photo Contest Winner: Advisor: Dr. Gregory Grove Summary: This photograph was taken on June 24, 1998, from the garden of the Museum of Modern Art, located at 11 West 53rd Street, New York, New York. It was shot with a Minolta manual SLR using a 50 mm lens and 100 speed Kodak Tmax film. The soaring 6th avenue midtown Manhattan skyscrapers iconify modern technological society and set the backdrop for the lush forestation of the museum garden. Tying the two together, a couple sits amidst it all, not escaping from an oppressive urban jungle, but glorifying in the harmony that has been created between the two normally opposing forces. It illustrates the greatest challenge of all disciplines of modern science, and most especially with those that pertain to the environment - the integration of technology, nature and us. There were 46 entrants last year to the symposium.
Winners were:
The symposium was organized by Teri Lalain, Jackie Bortiantynski and Karl Mueller. Symposium judges were Karl Mueller, Jon Chorover, Ming Tien, Brian Dempsey, Jim Kubicki. The Second Environmental Chemistry Symposium, April 10, 1999 |