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Speaker/Discussion Leader | Topic |
January 16 | 529 Walker | Shelby Lyons Geosciences, Penn State |
Paleo perspectives on carbon cycle responses to climate change: Insight from the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum |
January 30 | 529 Walker | Dr. Manabu Shiraiwa Chemistry, University of California-Irvine |
Multiphase chemistry of organic aerosols and reactive oxygen species in the atmosphere and indoor environments |
February 13 | 529 Walker | Allison Karp Geosciences, Penn State |
Reconstructing paleo-fire feedbacks during the expansion of grassland ecosystems |
February 27 | 529 Walker | Dr. Sarah Ivory Geosciences, Penn State |
Middens and lake muds: ancient ecological information for addressing future global challenges |
March 13 | 529 Walker | Dr. Wei Peng Civil and Environmental Engineering and School of International Affairs, Penn State |
Integrating air quality, water and climate concerns into energy strategy |
March 20 | 529 Walker | Dr. Jim Salinger Tasmanian Institute for Agriculture, University of Tasmania Visiting Scholar, Penn State |
Climate change and the unprecedented atmospheric and oceanic heatwave last summer in New Zealand and its surrounds |
March 27 | 529 Walker | Michelle Ritchie Geography, Penn State |
Climate change adaptation in the Arctic: Lessons from a systematic review of empirical case studies |
April 10 | 529 Walker | Dr. James Ruppert Meteorology and Atmospheric Science, Penn State | Diurnal Forcing and Phase Locking of Equatorial Gravity Waves in the Maritime Continent |