Spring 2019 ESSC Brown Bag Series

Speaker/Discussion Leader Topic
January 16 529 Walker Shelby Lyons
Geosciences, Penn State
Paleo perspectives on carbon cycle responses to climate change: Insight from the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
January 30 529 Walker Dr. Manabu Shiraiwa
Chemistry, University of California-Irvine
Multiphase chemistry of organic aerosols and reactive oxygen species in the atmosphere and indoor environments
February 13 529 Walker Allison Karp
Geosciences, Penn State
Reconstructing paleo-fire feedbacks during the expansion of grassland ecosystems
February 27 529 Walker Dr. Sarah Ivory
Geosciences, Penn State
Middens and lake muds: ancient ecological information for addressing future global challenges
March 13 529 Walker Dr. Wei Peng
Civil and Environmental Engineering and
School of International Affairs, Penn State
Integrating air quality, water and climate concerns into energy strategy
March 20 529 Walker Dr. Jim Salinger
Tasmanian Institute for Agriculture, University of Tasmania
Visiting Scholar, Penn State
Climate change and the unprecedented atmospheric and oceanic heatwave last summer in New Zealand and its surrounds
March 27 529 Walker Michelle Ritchie
Geography, Penn State
Climate change adaptation in the Arctic: Lessons from a systematic review of empirical case studies
April 10 529 Walker Dr. James Ruppert
Meteorology and Atmospheric Science, Penn State
Diurnal Forcing and Phase Locking of Equatorial Gravity Waves in the Maritime Continent